Sunday, September 7, 2008

Project Zombies

This is my favorite short we've made so far. It was originally made for a Diary of the Dead contest where the top 5 would get put on the DVD...but of course Contests + Internet = FAIL. Technically this a recut of a recut, recently I decided to reupload all my old videos with better quality versions; but it turns out that I never saved an uncompressed version of the video so I essentially had to edit it all over again so I could render better copies.

Project Zombies (2008) from Drownin-Turkey on Vimeo.

A Ding Too Far

In early September 2007. John, Justin, and myself all watched "Shoot 'Em Up". I rather enjoyed it and thought "I want to make a movie where people fight with carrots" (as Clive Owen did a lot of badass things with carrots in the movie). The next night we shot this the staff parking lot of Woodrow Wilson Middle School. We left an awful mess of fake blood, and broken carrots, I do apologize to anyone we inconvenienced. Also this is the first short shot on the camcorder I originally bought 2 years earlier when we made Mask of El Kabong (Which we actually didn't shoot it's a long story).

It also got me a few connections.

A Ding Too Far (2007) from Drownin-Turkey on Vimeo.